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Jane AddamsA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
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Addams and Starr began searching in January 1889 for a Chicago neighborhood in which to execute her plan. They gave talks explaining he Settlement in terms of Toynbee Hall but made no appeal for money as they planned to start with their own limited financial resources. They contended that an ample, accessible house, hospitable and tolerant, in the midst of an immigrant neighborhood would be helpful in dealing with Chicago’s social problems. They searched for a place, accompanied by newspaper reporters, city missionaries, and city officials, before deciding on a location near the corner of Halsted Street. Addams sublet the second floor and a large drawing room on the first floor in a fine, old house surrounded by a broad piazza. Built in 1856, the house had belonged to a Chicago pioneer, Charles J. Hull. Most of the lower part of the house already had been rented for factory offices and storerooms. The next spring, Helen Culver gave them a free leasehold of the whole house. Over the years, they built 13 buildings on the land that Culver placed at the Settlement’s disposal. Addams and Starr furnished the house as they would have if it were in a different part of the city, with photographs from Europe and family furniture. The women moved in September 1889 and were kindly welcomed by the neighboring families.
Halsted Street, a 32-mile-thoroughfare, was located between the stockyards to the south and the shipbuilding yards to the north. Between those two industries, the street had grocers’ shops, saloons, and ready-made clothing stores. The Settlement House was surrounded by different sections of immigrants: Italians, Germans, Polish and Russian Jews, Bohemians, French-Canadians, and Irish. Over time, the more prosperous Irish and Germans moved further away, and the Russian Jewish and Italian communities expanded. The replacement of older inhabitants occurred industrially as well: Jews and Italians did the finishing work for the clothing manufacturers, which had formerly been done by Euro-Americans, Irish, and Germans who now refused to work for the very low wages in the sweatshop system. The unscrupulous contractors in the sweatshops tried to eliminate the cost of rent, so they set up workrooms in the smallest, darkest basements or shanties. Each of the wooden houses of the ward were originally built for one family, but now each contained several families. Although many tenements were immigrant-owned, there was no attempt to improve the substandard conditions. Houses were not connected to the sewer, street lighting was bad, and no sanitary legislation was enforced. Addams found the newly arrived immigrants “densely ignorant of civic duties” (81). An educated but penniless or underemployed demographic also inhabited the neighborhood, and the Settlement was a refuge for them as well.
The first Hull-House “resident” was an elderly lady who gave readings from Hawthorne’s writings. She stayed 10 days because she wished to live in a highly idealistic atmosphere, which she had experienced earlier while living at Brook Farm. The Hull-House volunteers, such as the kindergarten teacher from north Chicago, learned from their experiences with the immigrants. The democratic teacher was surprised to discover that Italian kindergarteners carefully maintained class distinctions as gentry or peasant on the basis of table manners. The kindergarten teacher failed to convey temperance principles to an Italian mother whose five-year-old child was inebriated from her wine-soaked bread. Sometimes the pressure of poverty would defeat the Hull-House educational aims, as social and moral development clashed with day-to-day needs. The most popular type of Hull-House class combined social relations with study. Hull-House also tried to provide a place where children who left school could socialize, learn, and get help finding nonexploitative jobs.
Hull-House provided education and social life to immigrant adults as well. Every New Year’s Day, older people were invited to “Old Settlers’ Day,” when former residents who had improved their socioeconomic conditions returned. They shared their memories of mutual enterprises and suggestions for overcoming hardships. Addams notes that many of the early successful residents who returned for the event had assimilated the Euro-American view that the presence of immigrants and ethnic minorities depreciated neighborhood property values and opposed the inclusion of foreign-born residents.
People often asked Addams why she had come to live at Hull-House when she could afford to reside elsewhere. She said it was natural to feed the hungry and care for the sick and aged. The Hull-House volunteers performed services for people in unfortunate circumstances, such as sheltering a young bride from her husband’s beatings or nursing a baby rejected by his mother for his cleft palate. They also learned about the isolation many immigrants faced who would never leave their residential street to explore the city and struggled to adapt to mainstream American ways.
In 1892, Jane Addams was asked to deliver a lecture at a summer school in Plymouth, Massachusetts held by the Ethical Culture Societies, which invited several representatives of the Settlement movement to discuss Philanthropy and Social Progress. Addams reproduces part of the lecture she gave that summer, “The Subjective Necessity for Social Settlements,” to convey early enthusiasm and motives. In her paper, Addams describes the fast-growing number of educated young people in America who do not have a proper outlet for their active faculties. They feel useless with “a fatal want of harmony between their theory and their lives, a lack of coordination between thought and action” (91). These young men and women long “to give tangible expression to the democratic ideal” (92) of the universal uplift of society. Addams particularly notes that the young women, who have received the advantages of a college education and European travel and possess the desire to alleviate suffering, are restricted by their parents to inaction. Addams mentions that these sincere, undirected lives seem as pitiful to her as the lives of the destitute masses. She states that Mr. Barnett, who founded Toynbee Hall, the first Settlement in England, recognized the need in the young Oxford and Cambridge male students for an outlet. The necessity for the Settlement movement in England was greater because of its rigid class distinctions and more constrained education. However, Addams affirms that Americans are increasingly feeling the necessity for action in Settlements.
Another American motive for social service is to express the spirit of Christ in helping the sick, the aged, and the poor. Addams sees a renaissance of early Christian humanitarianism in America; the Settlement movement is only one manifestation of Christianity in society. Addams reiterates three motives that led to the opening of Hull-House: “first, the desire to interpret democracy in social terms; secondly, the impulse […] to aid in the race progress; and thirdly, the Christian movement toward humanitarianism” (98). The tolerant, hospitable Settlement is an experimental effort to help solve the social and industrial problems caused by modern, urban conditions. The experiment tries to relieve one end of society’s overaccumulation and the other end of society’s destitution in terms of social and educational privileges. The Settlement residents promise to fulfill the duties of good citizenship. Their philosophy is grounded on the idea of the unity of the human race: no individual can have lasting improvement of her own condition without the improvement of humanity’s condition.
The early American Settlement movement emphasized a demanding standard for philanthropic activities, requiring that each new undertaking be preceded by a careful collection of facts. Hull-House embodied this standard in the opening of a coffee-house that began as a public kitchen. An investigation of sweatshops had found that the sewing women did not focus on the nutritious feeding of their families because their work enforced long hours and low wages, and they relied on canned goods for meals. Cheaper cuts of meat and fresh vegetables, if cooked slowly, would have more nutritious value. To help the women acquire the necessary skills and resources to improve their families’ nutrition, the philanthropists established public kitchens where the women could work under scientific training and proper supervision. Consequently, a Hull-House resident trained at the New England public kitchen in Boston and returned to organize such a kitchen in Hull-House. Addams did not anticipate the difficulties associated with ethnic diversity and the tastes of people who preferred convenience foods over expensive but more nutritious options. However, Addams soon learned that the Hull-House coffeehouse had social value. Until then, neighborhood saloon halls were the only locations where the West Side’s immigrant community could hold its gatherings. The Hull-House coffeehouse became a social center for the neighborhood, and the experience helped Addams appreciate the need to keep an open mind.
Addams hoped the power of cooperation would help the locals create sustainable resources for the community. Hull-House started a Cooperative Coal Association for workers to run a coal-yard to supply their needs for fuel. However, the experiment was unsuccessful because the workers shared the coal freely and did not collect enough money to support the Association. Another Hull-House cooperative experiment was more successful, perhaps because it was more spontaneous. It emerged out of the need for working girls at a shoe factory to have a place to board in the event of a strike that might temporarily halt their wages. The Jane Club was the only successful cooperative founded and managed by women, according to the head of the U.S. Department of Labor at that time. Hull-House built a new clubhouse for the Jane Club, but it had to refuse one major donation because it was “tainted money,” offered by a businessman notorious for underpaying female laborers. Addams found the morality of the issue since it was possible for good to come from such contributions. In the end, her conscience prevailed, and she refused the donation. Although there were many unsuccessful cooperation attempts in Chicago in the 1890s, Addams believed in the possibility of the cooperative ideal in which people stopped wasting their strength in individual competition and pooled their resources to create a better society. She lectured at New Harmony, Indiana, having been inspired early by the story of Robert Owens.
Addams was surprised by the immigrants’ different perspectives on morality and crime. She recounts the story of an Italian immigrant family who visited their father in prison, but did not perceive him as a criminal, only as someone who had gotten upset over a card game and killed his opponent. Young immigrant girls who had turned to prostitution to earn money were often unperturbed by the perceived immorality of the business. Additionally disturbing to Addams was the way in which these “fallen girls,” even victims of the “white slave traffic,” were stigmatized and rejected by their families, churches, and the parents of the members of Hull-House’s social clubs.
Addams’s memories of the first years at Hull-House are blurred because of her fatigue during the ceaseless activity: little children attended kindergarten in the mornings, older children came for afternoon clubs, and adults arrived for educational and social organizations in the evening. An art gallery was the first building constructed for Hull-House, making visible to Chicago the immigrants’ need for education and recreation. Hull-House had to relinquish many schemes because of lack of funds. Hull-House’ nonsectarian humanitarianism was often criticized as irreligious in the early days. After five years, Hull-House residents published a book of facts and reflections: Hull-House Maps and Papers.
The problems of poverty brought to the attention of Hull-House often concerned frightened, elderly women with nowhere to go, who resisted being taken to the County Infirmary (also known as the “poorhouse”). Troubled by the women’s distress, Addams invited a half-dozen of them to take a two-week vacation from the Infirmary during the summers by paying a dollar a week for each one to lodge with an old acquaintance and providing two meals a day at Hull-House. The old men in the Infirmary were able to travel each summer on their own, but women could not without outside help. In the early days of Hull-House, there was no Charity Organization Society in Chicago or Visiting Nurse Association. The inadequate charitable efforts were based on the “unfounded optimism that there was no real poverty among us” (121).
The depth of the problem was revealed during the harsh winter after the World’s Fair by the number of unemployed stranded in Chicago. Unable to afford lodgings, the men crowded into city hall and the police stations. Addams recalls Mr. Stead visiting Hull-House that winter when he wrote his indictment of the city, If Christ Came to Chicago. He tried to rally the different moral forces in the city in a meeting, which later developed into the Civic Federation. Hull-House agreed to lodge the homeless women who could go nowhere else, and Addams served on a committee to help with the unemployed: giving the women sewing work and giving the men street sweeping jobs. She was conscious of needing to pay them a fair wage so they would not be worse off when normal occupations resumed.
A Bureau of Organized Charities established itself in the city. Addams tried to adhere to the careful instructions about who qualified for the help of the relief station established at Hull-House. She told a shipping clerk who was out of work that he needed to pursue an employment opportunity on the drainage canal before asking for help. He told her that he had always worked indoors and could not tolerate outdoor work in winter. He tried the canal job and died soon afterwards of pneumonia. From this tragic episode, Addams learned that life cannot be administered by unyielding regulations, and “that wisdom to deal with a man’s difficulties comes only through some knowledge of his life and habits as a whole” (123). Addams also discovered the difference between temporary unemployment problems of workers and the problems of the class that relied entirely on public assistance. The difference between a Settlement House’s relation to its neighbors and a charity organization’s relation to its beneficiaries is that the Settlement House wanted to engage with its neighbors throughout their different stages in life, including their prosperous times.
One function of the Settlement was an information bureau, serving as an interpreter between the various city institutions and the people for whose benefit these institutions were established, as well as protecting people from being taken advantage of in the neighborhood. Hull-House frequently helped get support for deserted women or insurance for widows. When Addams discovered that the children of working mothers often were accidentally injured when locked in or out of their tenement rooms, Hull-House began a day nursery. Eventually, the day care was moved to a building called the Children’s House; later it continued under the United Charities of Chicago, which also taught the immigrant mothers about American life. Addams found that many of these women bore the entire burden of earning for their children as a result of debilitated or absent husbands. The long hours of factory labor to support their children left the mothers unable to nurture them.
Addams briefly touches on the poverty of artists, writers, and visionary inventors who also resided in the neighborhood; many of them were her acquaintances.
Addams recalls Chicago twenty years ago when the Hull-House residents, mostly young people unfamiliar with radicals, had been surprised by the constant sociopolitical discussions. The Haymarket Riot (also known as the Haymarket Affair) had occurred about three years before the establishment of Hull-House, and the city leaders had concluded in the winter of 1889-1890 that the best cure for anarchic acts was open discussion of the grievances of the anti-government groups. Every Sunday evening, great meetings were held in the new Chicago auditorium where residents could express their opinions. Hull-House residents perceived there was an additional need for smaller clubs where men who espoused widely differing economic and social theories could meet and develop tolerance in their discussions. An English laborer organized “The Working People’s Social Science Club” at Hull-House in the spring of 1890. Every Wednesday evening, a speaker presented a subject and then a debate ensued, often between socialists and anarchists. Addams did not see the new “social science” as a true science, but as a term for discussing the problems of an industrial society. Sociology, which was the evolution of these social debates, had not yet been defined as an academic discipline. The University of Chicago, which opened a year before the World’s Fair, was the first university to have a sociology department.
Hull-House developed its early reputation for radicalism due to this Social Science Club. Visitors did not distinguish between the views expressed by the club members in heated discussion and the actual opinions of the Hull-House residents. According to Addams, a Settlement House is a place for passion and enthusiasm in addition to hands-on work for social change. The distrust was somewhat valid, “for too often the reformer is the rebel who defies things as they are, because of the restraints which they impose upon his individual desires rather than because of the general defects of the system” (138). However, Addams remembers even the members who spoke the most passionately and espoused radical views in this early club seemed kindly and safe. Addams staunchly defended free speech, and she announced that she would not be subsidized by wealthy men or bullied by working men to end the social debates. Addams could never accept the Russian-dominated Marxist socialism then prevalent in Chicago that required what she considered an oversimplified interpretation of class conflict.
Hull-House residents discovered that their own efforts to solve neighborhood problems attached them to organizations without radical views, but these public resources would not have existed if the community conscience had not been stimulated by these fervent theorists. Early Settlements were the result of English social reform theories that arrived in America only in the last decade of the 19th century. Although the Hull-House residents were often criticized for the radicalism within the Social Science Club they still believed the discussions should continue “for if the Settlement seeks its expression through social activity, it must learn the difference between mere social unrest and spiritual impulse” (145). The Hull-House residents, who numbered 25 by the end of the decade, differed greatly in their social beliefs, from a woman who defined all social unrest as anarchy to another who had become a socialist as a student, but their experience living in the industrial neighborhood united them inspired them to lobby for protective legislation. The decade of 1890-1900 in Chicago, with its wide-ranging discussions, was quite different from the city’s attitude 20 years later, when the boom and bust of the 1920s would change people’s attitudes toward social assistance.
In these chapters, Addams starts to order the book topically, rather than chronologically, after discussing the founding and early months of Hull-House. She notes an initial criticism of the Hull-House experiment—that the volunteering residents would be mainly drawn by the fascination of collective living. Indeed, the first resident (besides the two co-founders and the housekeeper) was an elderly lady who had once lived at Brook Farm, another cooperative experiment, and wanted to live again in an idealistic atmosphere. Brook Farm was a failed utopian attempt at communal living in 1840s Massachusetts, organized by a Transcendentalist reformer. The residents of Brook Farm had tried to help themselves achieve a balance between their own labor on a farm and their intellectual pursuits. By contrast, the Hull-House residents helped working-class immigrants in the urban neighborhood where they lived. Addams’s essay, “The Subjective Necessity for Social Settlements,” notes that that the Settlement House offered an outlet for educated people’s desire to help the poor, harmonizing their theories with their actions.
The theme of how the middle-class reformers learned from the impoverished immigrants, and their frequent clash of cultures, also begins to emerge in these chapters. The well-intentioned kindergarten teacher completely fails to understand an Italian mother for whom wine represents hospitality and nurturing. The Hull-House sewing class fails to understand that their emphasis on neatness and exactness in their sewing projects conflicts with the students’ need to quickly create usable clothing. The Old-World cultural and class distinctions shock the Euro-American volunteers, who have adopted the assimilationist “melting pot” notion of American identity. Addams was most surprised by the immigrants’ differing definitions of crime and morality, such as their acceptance of making money by any and all means and their distinction between the morality of planned versus passion-fueled violence. In addition to noting the kindness and courtesy with which the neighbors greeted the Hull-House residents, Addams portrays the harsh realities encountered by the Settlement workers, such as domestic violence or a mother’s rejection of a baby born with a cleft palate.
Addams introduces the reformers’ new scientific approach to social problems: any undertakings must be preceded by facts accumulated via careful investigations. The Hull-House residents eventually published Hull-House Maps and Papers (1895), a series of reflective essays and statistical information on the West Side neighborhood conditions, which prompted Settlement Houses in other areas to survey their neighborhoods. However, there are limitations to what could be labeled a “top-down” approach as opposed to a “bottom-up” approach, in modern terms. After the reformers’ investigations led them to conclude nutritious food prepared in a public kitchen would solve some of the immigrants’ dietary difficulties, they learned that they had to adapt to what the neighborhood would accept rather than impose their own ideas on the locals. The neighborhood’s needs also taught the Hull-House residents what new functions the Settlement should provide: such as the opening of a day nursery when the reformers discovered that the unsupervised children of hard-working mothers often incurred injuries.
Addams describes how many of the young, middle-class reformers at Hull-House had never previously been in the company of radicals who discussed, at the Working People’s Social Science Club, the need to transform society with a socialist economy. Addams refers to the Haymarket riot which had occurred on May 4, 1886, only about three years prior to the founding of Hull-House. This event provided an important context for Addams’s reform efforts since it had increased the larger Chicago society’s suspicion of immigrants (particularly Germans and Bohemians), laborers, and anarchists. As a major industrial center, Chicago had become a focal point for organized labor’s demands for improved working conditions, such as shorter workdays. The Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions had established May 1, 1886, as the date that U.S. unions would strike to establish an eight-hour workday. On May 3, 1886, at the McCormick Reaper factory in Chicago, a group of workers confronted strikebreakers. The police fired on the crowd, killing four workers who were striking for the eight-hour workday. Local anarchists, mostly German immigrants who had advocated for a stateless society, held a protest meeting the next day at Haymarket Square. When law enforcement tried to disperse the crowd, an unknown person threw a home-made bomb that killed a policeman. The police fired, killing several demonstrators. Seven policemen were shot as well. Four anarchists were executed, and others were sentenced to prison despite a lack of evidence. During the antiunion hysteria triggered by the Haymarket riot, employers restored the traditional workdays of 10 hours or more, violently broke strikes, and forced workers to pledge not to join unions. Addams notes, in a later chapter, how the Hull-House’s effort to attain the first factory legislation in Illinois, prohibiting child labor and establishing eight-hour workdays for women, was made more difficult because businessmen associated the legislation with radicalism. Governor Altgeld was viewed with suspicion for pardoning the anarchists who had been sentenced to prison after the Haymarket Riot and during Altgeld’s term, this factory law was secured. Since this law’s inception and enforcement were associated with Hull-House, the Settlement also became a target of public hostility, although it had initially been viewed as “merely a kindly philanthropic undertaking” (106).
Addams mentions this recurring Hull-House problem—the Settlement’s willingness to host the Working People’s Social Science Club and encourage the free speech of various radicals led to many visitors’ inability to distinguish the club members’ opinions from those of Hull-House staff. Consequently, Addams makes a significant attempt to clarify that, although she “longed for the comfort of a definite social creed” (139), the class conflict theories of the socialists or anarchists did not correspond to what she had actually observed in America. Addams additionally critiques promoters of abstract theories whose efforts go no further than literary statements, implying that she and her Hull-House colleagues make practical changes to better people’s lives.
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