43 pages • 1 hour read
Donald T. PhillipsA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Part 4 is the final section of Lincoln on Leadership and the chapters focus on communication. Chapter 13 begins Part 4 with a call to “Master the Art of Public Speaking,” another principle that Phillips believes modern leaders can better understand through examples from Lincoln’s own methods of communicating with people. Phillips first describes Lincoln’s background in Illinois and how the future president gained valuable experience by public speaking. He performed 175 speeches, some of which were extemporaneous, or without preparation. Lincoln viewed public speaking as an art that he needed to practice and refine over the course of many years in order to rise in the ranks of politics and become well-known enough to achieve his ambitions.
According to Phillips, “Lincoln’s most famous speeches were exhaustively researched, analyzed, and practiced” (147), including his “Cooper Institute address” of 1860, which he worked on for 3 months. Although Lincoln had a remarkable talent for public speaking and was often able to improvise very impressive speeches when needed, he did not rely on his abilities to extemporize when the circumstances required a planned approach. Phillips provides an excerpt from a primary source—a journalist’s response to Lincoln’s Cooper Institute speech in 1860—to show that Lincoln’s talent for public speaking, and also his thorough preparation beforehand, had the effect of turning audiences to his favor.
Another excerpt from Lincoln’s extemporaneous farewell speech when he departed Springfield, Illinois in 1861 shows Lincoln’s innate talent for “communicating his feelings and emotions” (149-50). Despite these exemplary public speaking abilities, Lincoln was also aware that many times it was more advantageous to “remain silent” rather than to risk stirring up unnecessary controversy with dramatic speeches. Awareness of context and whether audiences would be receptive to him at any given moment helped Lincoln make informed choices about when a speech would be appropriate or effective. Taking time to research his points and refine his turn of phrase for important speeches meant that Lincoln took this aspect of his career very seriously. To conclude the chapter, Phillips refers again to writers in the modern field of leadership studies who encourage a similar approach to public speaking among leaders today.
Throughout Lincoln on Leadership, Phillips provides many excerpts from Abraham Lincoln’s own letters and other writings to show how he regularly communicated his ideas to people through stories, metaphors, anecdotes, and parables. Chapter 14 addresses this pattern in Lincoln’s life directly, and Phillips believes that Lincoln’s use of stories was a deliberate communication strategy that helped him gain support among a wide variety of audiences. Lincoln had “an overwhelming inventory of anecdotes, jokes, and stories” and he “possessed the ability to instantly pull out just the right one for any situation that might arise” (157). Telling amusing stories made Lincoln more relatable to people from all walks of life, a necessary skill for a politician. Lincoln understood the appeal and memorability of stories and, much like he avoided behaving in a dictatorial way among his generals, he would often use stories with a hidden meaning to convey his opinions and desires rather than tell people outright what to do or what to think. Phillips refers to the practical utility of this approach today by stating “research in the field of leadership confirms […] the role of stories as powerful motivational tools that spread loyalty, commitment, and enthusiasm” (158). Like Lincoln, modern leaders should refine their communication style and strive to incorporate conversational techniques like storytelling and humor that will make them more relatable to colleagues or employees.
While Chapters 13 and 14 were more about Lincoln’s communication style, Chapter 15 returns to the topic of the importance of clear goals within an organization, first discussed in Chapter 10. In Chapter 15, Phillips describes goals as “vision,” but it is a similar concept. Lincoln not only had specific goals for the United States, he was also careful to communicate what these goals were so that the members of the Union were aware of his purpose in launching the Civil War. Without a clear and constant communication of his vision for the country, Lincoln knew the Union army would fall into chaos with no clear direction for its actions, thus, Lincoln consistently communicated the direction he intended for the country: “liberty” and abolition of slavery, and “to afford to all an unfettered start, and a fair chance, in the race of life” (163-64). By constantly reiterating this main vision or goal in his speeches, Lincoln wanted the people of the Union to realize that their individual actions were contributing to a collective purpose that would make the nation better than it had been in the past.
Phillips uses Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address” as an extended example in this chapter. He provides a full transcript of the speech and analyzes it as a demonstration of how Lincoln articulated his vision for the nation and conveyed how this vision would endure into the future (166-68). Although this speech was only two minutes in length when Lincoln delivered it on November 19, 1863, it continues to be one of the most famous speeches in American history. Its effectiveness as a work of oratory communication proves that Lincoln’s commitment to a specific vision for the country is a strategy that leaders can also apply in organizations today. Phillips asserts that “accepted visions tend to foster innovation, risk-taking, empowerment, and delegation” (164). Developing a vision and communicating it effectively are “far more powerful than throwing money and people at the problem” (168), a lesson that Phillips argues modern leaders should remember and enact in their own corporate environments.
In the Epilogue, Phillips returns briefly to a problem he mentioned in the Introduction: While Lincoln was contemporarily recognized as a leader, the fallout from the assassination and the subsequent transformation of the martyred president into the “Lincoln Myth” means that people today do not recognize the useful leadership strategies Lincoln developed throughout the course of his life (171). Lincoln “routinely practiced nearly all the ‘revolutionary thinking’ techniques that have been preached to American industry in the last ten to fifteen years” (172). To ignore the lessons historical figures like Lincoln provide is to miss out on an important opportunity to learn to lead from an expert. In the Afterword, Phillips reviews what Lincoln accomplished in his presidency by examining his innovative methods for raising money to fund the Civil War in the middle of a financial crisis. In short, Lincoln “developed an entirely new financial system” and was responsible for national paper currency. This example reiterates Phillips’s position; Lincoln was an innovative leader who was not afraid to implement change on a large scale. He was able to gain the support of Congress to develop “a national banking system” (176), and he managed to shepherd the country through the Civil War despite extreme financial challenges. The Afterword ends by alluding again to Lincoln’s empathy and compassion, qualities that made him one of the most beloved and effective leaders in history.
The purpose of Part 4 is to showcase Lincoln’s communication strategies, including public forms of communication like speeches, and private forms of communication between Lincoln and individuals. This is not the first time Phillips has addressed Lincoln’s communication strategies in the text. Throughout Lincoln on Leadership, Phillips emphasizes Lincoln’s use of writing to persuade audiences, whether on the campaign trail or through letters to individual people. By now, the reader is also familiar with Lincoln’s communication strategies through excerpts of his writing that Phillips provides in every section of the book. However, Part 4 is where the concept is addressed explicitly, as effective communication is one of the core tools Phillips believes all leaders need to refine in order to succeed.
Communication in a public context is the subject of Chapter 13, “Master the Art of Public Speaking.” Phillips drives home that public speaking events need to be carefully prepared for, or a leader will potentially sabotage any of the other hard work that has already gone into a project. Audiences, constituents, employees, or whomever is the target of a public speech need to be convinced of the efficacy of the speaker, and if the first impression is not a good one, it may harm the speaker’s reputation. Abraham Lincoln was one of the best orators in American history, and even he recognized that to speak publicly “on the fly” was a dangerous choice, and he was not willing to take that risk, despite being a talented extemporaneous speaker. Instead, he prepared thoroughly for public speaking engagements and considered his audiences carefully. Phillips refers to contemporary writers on the topic of leadership, including James MacGregor Burns, Warren Bennis, and Burt Nanus to show that Lincoln’s approach to speaking publicly is applicable in a wide variety of contexts, including modern businesses. All forms of communication in a business, including “memos, discussions, phone calls, e-mails,” require thoughtful preparation so that leaders are better able to control their main message.
Privately, Lincoln was also very strategic and careful with his choice of words. Even when simply socializing in the “off-hours,” Lincoln tailored his conversations to suit his audience, like a constituent he met in passing on a train (156). Lincoln had a reputation for being conversational and relatable to people from all walks of life, but even when he seemed to be speaking informally, he was still conveying a carefully planned message that would help progress his cause in the Union.
Lincoln’s use of stories made his message concise and accessible. Lincoln, in his own words, once explained “I often avoid a long and useless discussion by others or a laborious explanation on my own part by a short story that illustrates my point of view” (159). In this quotation, Lincoln affirms that the stories, jokes, or anecdotes he told in an informal context were strategic. They were carefully chosen to “illustrat[e] [his] point of view” to private audiences. He believed listeners would be persuaded by these stories more than other forms of communication. Phillips encourages modern leaders to adopt this as a strategic method as well: “Chatting informally with one or two employees will allow the leader to pick up more subtle nuances of how people actually feel and think” (160). The goal is not for the leader to socialize, but to appear to socialize when actually collecting information about employees’ attitudes toward the company.
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