51 pages • 1 hour read
Jeneva RoseA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
The day after Laura’s funeral, Beth is packing boxes for donation when Lucas comes to apologize for his mother’s outburst. Before they know it, they are in each other’s arms, and they make love. Afterward, Lucas explains that he broke up with Beth in high school because of his father’s death. Eddie Harper died by suicide and left a note implying that he had done something terrible. Nobody knew because Susan and the sheriff explained the death as a hunting accident.
Lucas concludes that Eddie might have been involved in Emma’s disappearance, and “[he] worried that [he] was like him or could be like him” (232). Beth realizes that the tape from 1999 is sitting on the TV. She wants to give Lucas a sense of closure, and she plays the video for him. To her horror, the footage showing Emma in the creek has been erased. Lucas thinks she’s playing some sort of sick prank and storms out of the house. Beth “drop[s] to [her] knees, letting out a howl of a cry. The pain of losing him when [she] thought [she] had him back is nearly unbearable” (235).
When Michael and Nicole return from the methadone clinic, they find Beth in the front yard setting fire to their parents’ belongings. Her siblings manage to drag her away from the flames, but Beth is distraught. She announces, “I’m selling the house. I’m selling everything. There’s nothing left for me here” (238). Michael assumes she has agreed to his offer, but she adds that she will never sell the place to her brother.
Laura’s journal details her conversation with Brian on the night of December 27, 1999. She wants an explanation for his blood-stained jacket, and Brian says that Eddie killed Charles Gallagher in a fit of rage. Charles had been cleared of the charges related to Emma’s disappearance, but Eddie still believed he was to blame. The three men encountered each other at the Boar’s Nest. Later that night, as Brian was crossing the park to go home, he found that Eddie had beaten Charles to death.
Brian says, “I got him cleaned up, walked him home, and told him to not tell anyone about what happened, not even Susan or Lucas” (241). Then, Brian says he disposed of the body rather than calling the police. Laura points out that Charles would never have been implicated at all if not for Brian’s anonymous tip. She is furious and demands a full explanation of everything, starting with Emma’s death. She writes that “[b]y the time he’s finished speaking, I hate him and I hate myself, but I don’t blame him…because I would have done the exact same thing” (242).
After Michael drives away, Nicole tries to salvage some of the items in the yard. Beth storms off to the creek, carrying one of Laura’s journals. Nicole stays in the house and decides to open the envelope left to her by Laura, which she can open now that the funeral is over. Nicole is devastated by the contents, which read, “You’re not the child I wanted, but you’re the one I deserved. –Regretfully, your mother” (245).
It’s begun to rain hard, but Beth doggedly marches down to the creek, carrying a journal and a shovel. She intends to find Emma’s grave, concluding that the girl must be buried somewhere on the family property. Words from her mother’s journal echo in her head: “I’ve learned there’s a lot of things you can bury, but the past isn’t one of them” (246).
After failing to find anything near the creek, Beth broadens her search to the woods bordering it. Among the dense overgrowth, she finds six graves with crosses. These are the dogs and cats that were once family pets, but there are too many grave markers to account for the animals. Beth notices three graves marked Butterfly, Garfield, and Goofy but can’t recall any pets by those names. She begins with the Butterfly grave. The remains inside don’t belong to an animal.
While Beth is gone, Nicole drives into town. Her nerves are on edge, and she craves drugs. She’s stolen the lockbox key that Beth hid and hopes to find something valuable in the safety deposit box that can be sold for drugs.
At the bank, she bluffs her way through the identification process and opens the box. Inside, she finds Emma’s mood ring and Blue Ribbon from the sack race. She also finds a receipt for a $5,000 money order signed by her father. Next, she opens the letter, which is a full confession written by her mother. Nicole is shocked by one horrifying disclosure after another. The final lines read, “I’ve taken these secrets to the grave, but that’s as far as I can take them” (253).
It continues to rain as Beth digs up all three graves. Afterward, she collapses to the ground, admitting that “[t]he wet mud isn’t the dirtiest thing [she’s] covered in—it’s the deceit, the grief, the shame” (254). The first grave contains Emma. The second belongs to Charles Gallagher, and the third has the body of her father Brian. Beth turns when she hears someone calling her name: “The wind whips and whistles through the branches, carrying my mother’s final words to me one last time. It whispers, ‘Don’t trust…’” (255).
After reading Laura’s confession, Nicole jumps into her car and hurries back to the house. On the way, she calls 911 and asks the police to come to the Thomas property immediately, saying they will find three bodies there.
Beth sees Lucas coming through the woods toward her—he wants to apologize for the way he stormed out after the videotape incident. She briefly suspects that he has been following her and might be implicated in Emma’s murder.
Lucas tries to reason with Beth, but he’s hit from behind with a shovel and falls to the ground unconscious. Michael, wielding the shovel, says, “You should have just left the past in the past, Beth,” (261). He then pulls a gun from his pocket and leads Beth back to the graves, asking about Nicole’s location. Michael admits that after reading his mother’s letter to him, he put it in Nicole’s envelope and took her letter. He says, “Mom had much nicer things to say to Nicole than she did to me” (262).
Michael insists that Emma’s death was an accident. They were playing on the highway bridge when he snuck up and scared her. She fell off the bridge and struck her head on the embankment. Michael hid the body afterward and told his father.
Beth asks why Brian is also dead and buried in the yard, and Michael says that this was another accident. When Michael came home seven years earlier after his girlfriend’s death, his father accused him of murdering her, too. Michael recounts, “Dad went off on me. Screaming, ‘How many more holes do I have to dig back here, Michael? My marriage is already buried in there, as are our souls. We are nothing because of you!’” (266). Brian began choking him, and Michael claims he reacted in self-defense. Afterward, Laura helped him bury the body.
Beth suddenly realizes her brother’s true motives: “He didn’t reappear after seven years to lay Mom to rest. He’s here to make sure the past stays buried” (266). Michael also admits to sending the fake email from Brian to keep everyone distracted instead of delving into the family’s secrets. After the funeral, he planned to buy the house and destroy all the evidence. He also admits to erasing the videotape. Beth and Michael scuffle for control of the gun. Nicole arrives, and she and Beth tackle Michael as squad cars approach the house. As the sirens approach, the gun fires.
In the aftermath of the struggle, Nicole watches as paramedics load Michael into an ambulance. Beth and Lucas are being treated for minor injuries. Casey is on the scene and explains that an investigation will be opened once the bodies are exhumed. Nicole hands Beth the envelope containing Laura’s confession.
Laura writes out the story of all the secrets she kept for years. She believes that Brian must have doubted Michael’s claim that Emma’s death was an accident. Otherwise, he would have gone to the police immediately. A few months later, Christie showed Brian the photos she had taken of the bridge incident. They proved that Michael shoved Emma off the bridge and covered up the body later. Christie demanded $5,000 to keep the incident quiet because she wanted to leave town for good. Brian scraped together the money, and Christie now has a home and family down South.
While the children were growing up, Laura and Brian funneled most of their attention to Michael, hoping the incident with Emma was an anomaly. Laura regrets neglecting her daughters for the sake of her sociopathic son. In 2015, Michael returned because his girlfriend died. He claimed her death was an accident, but Brian didn’t believe him. They got into a fight, and Michael cracked Brian’s skull as his father was choking him. Laura helped bury the body and told Michael to drive Brian’s truck to the Mexican border and leave it there.
After that, she never wanted to see Michael again: “Every motherly instinct within me had evaporated. The maternal bond severed forever. They say the love you have for a child is unconditional. I don’t believe that anymore” (279). Later, Laura used an old apology note from Brian as proof that he had left her voluntarily. Laura concludes by saying that she won’t carry the burden of these secrets with her into the grave.
Three years later, Beth is settled into a good life. She sold Laura’s house, married Lucas, and moved to a different town. They adopted a little boy, and Beth’s adult daughter has come home for a visit. Michael is in prison and won’t be up for parole until 2050. He never responds to his sister’s letters.
The little family gathers around the television to watch Nicole being interviewed on Good Morning America. She has just written a bestseller called Home Is Where the Bodies Are. As Beth contemplates her new family, she says, “I don’t blame my parents or hate them for what they did. Because as I look at my own children, I know I would do the exact same thing for them” (284).
Nicole fields questions during her live interview. The interviewer is shocked when Nicole claims that she isn’t angry with her family. She replies, “I didn’t excuse myself. But I forgave myself for all the things I’d done wrong, just like I forgave my parents and my brother” (286-87). Now, Nicole simply wants to tell her sister and brother that she loves them. She then reads from the opening of her memoir: “The best stories come from those that are flawed, broken, really. Those who have endured trials and tribulations. Those who have faced the world and come out on the bottom. Only they can tell stories worth listening to” (288).
The novel’s final segment principally focuses on the theme of The Cost of Keeping Secrets. As one secret after another comes to light, the damage control required to suppress the truth escalates. The number of bodies multiplies as the narrative tension escalates ahead of the climax. Brian and Laura collude to cover up Emma’s death by burying her, then bury Charles beside her to cover up Eddie’s crime. This additional secret doesn’t solve the problem since Eddie is so riddled with remorse that he eventually dies by suicide. Susan and the sheriff collude to hide this fact from the rest of the community to avoid gossip, leaving Lucas to manage this trauma alone. Instead of confiding in Beth, he breaks up with her in high school, leaving them both lonely and abandoned in their trauma.
Apparently, everyone in Allen’s Grove is keeping secrets, and nobody trusts anyone else. Even within the Thomas family, the deception continues. When it is revealed that Michael is the killer, it casts all of his actions in a new light. He sends the email from Brian to throw his sisters off the trail, and he accompanies Nicole on her investigation to ensure his guilt stays concealed. He makes a generous offer on his mother’s house because then he can ensure no one finds the bodies buried there. He switches Laura’s goodbye note to him for Nicole’s, allowing his sister to believe that their mother was deeply disappointed in her. This act of maternal rejection leaves Nicole craving drugs, and she is willing to steal the lockbox key from Beth to get them. Ironically, Michael’s ruse backfires in this case, leading Nicole directly to his mother’s confession about his guilt. Like Beth unearthing Brian’s grave in the woods—a major plot twist—this sequence of events alludes to the idea that secrets cannot be kept forever. Despite one’s best efforts, they will be exhumed.
Indeed, the book’s ultimate message is that such secrets aren’t worth keeping. Even as Michael’s parents tried to keep a watchful eye on him and favored him to prevent him from killing again, their actions only facilitated his antisocial behavior and violence. Had they gone to the police after Emma’s death, only one person would have died. The cover-up resulted in more deaths, including Michael’s patricide and his attempt to kill his sisters when they find out his secrets. While every other character in the story is upset when they find out the truth, Michael remains curiously untouched and goes into denial. He can explain away everything he’s done as an accident. Even when he is on the point of killing his sisters, he can justify that to himself as self-defense. Only by bringing the truth to light is the Thomas family finally able to move forward, resolving the theme of Trauma Traps People in the Past. Beth and Nicole both find love, representing a step forward with healthy familial relationships rather than succumbing to toxic behavior patterns. Nicole also overcomes addiction, showing that her drug use was rooted in her trauma over losing her father. Her healing is symbolized by her memoir’s publication, a physical representation of her processing her grief and coming out better on the other side.
By Jeneva Rose