
62 pages 2 hours read

Judith Butler

Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of Sex

Nonfiction | Essay Collection | Adult | Published in 1993

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Preface-IntroductionChapter Summaries & Analyses

Preface Summary

In the Preface of Bodies That Matter, Judith Butler introduces some of the central topics of the book, such as materiality, performativity, gender, and sex. The author alludes to the theoretical complexity of these concepts and the contemporary discussions regarding them while providing their perspective in first-person language. Butler affirms that they are personally invested in the subject matter of the book and the questions it seeks to address. In addition, Butler responds to some of the questions and critiques raised by their book Gender Trouble, published in 1990, three years before Bodies That Matter. One key idea that Butler conveys in the Preface is that ideas in texts cannot be entirely divorced from the lives and contexts of their authors, just like the materiality of the body cannot be understood apart from the body’s life and context.

Butler explains that their attempt to study bodies as straightforward objects of thought has proven challenging because bodies signify a world beyond themselves. Bodies resist strict definitions, which drives Butler to question whether this resistance itself is fundamental to understanding bodies. Because bodies elude easy categorization, Butler places their writing between the philosophical tradition that avoids the body as an object of study and feminist writing that integrates the feminine body into writing without maintaining a critical distance. Butler states that aspects such as gender, discourse, and their construction are essential to the study of the body.

Turning to the questions arising from Gender Trouble, Butler addresses the challenge of conceptualizing gender as performative without reducing performativity—the idea that gender is not an intrinsic fact but an expression of learned behaviors and actions—to a mere, meaningless act of choice. Butler then formulates one of the book’s central questions: How does gender, constructed through power relations and normative constraints, intersect with agency?

The author then proposes an exploration of how the constitution of gender norms produces both comprehensible bodies and bodies that are outside of the intelligible schema. Ultimately, Butler deems the discourse of “construction” in feminist theory inadequate, which prompts a reevaluation of how the materiality of sex is violently produced and inscribed in culture. In the penultimate paragraph, she asks the book’s central question: “Which bodies come to matter—and why?” (xii).

In summary, the Preface sets the stage for a rethinking of Butler’s earlier work and offers a critical examination of gender, construction, and the materiality of bodies in the context of feminist studies and contemporary philosophy.

Introduction Summary

In the Introduction, Butler includes three epigraphs. Two—from feminist critics Donna Haraway and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak—question whether bodies are truly bound by their skin and physical limits. The third, by poststructuralist philosopher Jacques Derrida, states, “There is no nature, only the effects of nature: denaturalization or naturalization” (1).

Butler establishes the foundations for their investigation of the relationship between the materiality of the body—the physical existence and reality of a body—and the performativity of gender. First, they address the often-invoked concept of sexual difference. Butler argues that sexual difference is not merely a result of material distinctions—like sex organs or physical characteristics—but is also shaped by discursive practices. The category of “sex” is normative and functions as a “regulatory ideal,” a term used by Michel Foucault that refers to ideas used to control behavior in a society. Therefore, “sex” not only serves as a norm but is actively self-regulating, producing and governing the bodies it seeks to control.

Sexual difference, Butler argues, is an ideal rather than a fact, a normative construct that materialized over time through regulated practices. Materialization gives a concept, such as sexual difference, concrete meaning in culture and society—in this case, simply being born with certain sex organs comes with created cultural meanings about gender and sexuality. These meanings are developed through repetition and only continue to exist through this repetition. However, the process of materialization is characterized by a continuous struggle, as bodies never completely conform to regulatory norms. As the process is highly unstable, regulatory practices can be turned against themselves, as is the case with practices of contestation aimed at challenging hegemonic norms. In this context, hegemony refers to a culture’s dominant ideology and norms, usually perpetuated by the ruling class, that is considered natural and inevitable rather than constructed.

Butler provides an initial definition of gender performativity as “the reiterative and citational practice by which discourse produces the effects that it names” (vii). This means that in society, public and private discourse dictates how bodies should conform to norms of sex and gender, and performativity is not a single act but a combination of this discourse and repeated cultural practices. Therefore, Butler is against an understanding of sex as fixed and biological. Instead, they conceive of sex as the product of a continuous process of performativity.

The process of assuming sex is one form of identification in society. Heterosexual norms simultaneously enable certain identifications while excluding others, thus creating a realm of excluded or abjected beings. Such beings are outside of society because they do not have the right to participate in key roles and activities. For example, LGBTQ+ people would be considered abjected beings in many societies where they are politically excluded, socially maligned, and/or the target of violence. However, Butler highlights the possibility of political mobilization that abjected categories retain, pointing out that acts of subversion are central to their understanding of performativity.

Furthermore, Butler explores the relationship between culture and nature, challenging traditional models of gender construction. They critically examine the assumptions inherent in constructions of gender, questioning whether the framing of gender in relation to sex—in which one’s sex organs define one’s gender—is implicitly masculinist. According to such framing, both matter and biological sex are considered passive and disorganized material elements that require active organization. Butler discusses how feminist scholars have called for a rethinking of the concept of nature, challenging the traditional understanding of nature as an inert entity in need of technological shaping and articulation. As the Derrida quote above states, nature can be thought of as a construct itself rather than an innate state. Thinking about nature classifies objects as “natural” or “manmade,” and masculinist points of view consider nature an empty vessel, devoid of meaning until it is shaped by man (built upon, used for resources, et cetera). Butler points to the fact that a historical understanding of nature is critical. They argue that the notion of “sex” is problematic and obscured by its image as a receptive, valueless mass.

Butler argues that if gender is a cultural construct, then sex is a normative ideal whose materialization is enacted through regulatory practices. The distinction between sex and gender used by most societies is problematic because it approaches sex as a fact that precedes language. Instead, for Butler, sex is part of the same process of identification and materialization as gender. For example, an infant starts to be defined once a doctor declares it “he” or “she”: “the girl is ‘girled’” (xvii).

Moving beyond the traditional oppositions such as gender/sex and discourse/matter, Butler proposes to approach matter not as a static mass but as a dynamic process of materialization over time. They argue that construction is a temporal process that operates through the reiteration of norms, during which sex is simultaneously produced and undermined. Butler emphasizes that traditional constructions of gender create an “outside,” which can offer possibilities for the redefinition of the relationship between sex and gender.

Using a Lacanian framework, Butler explores the act of assuming a sex. This discussion will be taken up again in Chapters 3, 4, and 5. In the Introduction, Butler only suggests that the act of assuming a gender is constrained by societal norms, particularly those related to heterosexuality. Although subjects may appear to be in charge of their choices related to gender, the sexed body is a product of identification practices governed by regulatory schemas. Agency, or the ability to act, emerges within the constraints of these norms, while performativity is the consistent reiteration of societal norms rather than a singular act. The concepts of “citation” and “identification,” central to Butler’s project in Bodies That Matter, are both related to the assumption of a sex and the symbolic law. The symbolic law, in Lacanian terms, refers to the structure of language and the social order that regulates meaning and subjectivity. It encompasses the shared system of symbols, norms, and rules that govern how individuals understand and relate to themselves and the world. Citationality refers to the practice of reiterating certain terms, phrases, and discourses over time to sustain the symbolic law. Butler argues that the symbolic law in society is mostly dictated by heterosexual hegemony, which leaves all bodies that fail to conform outside the established norms.

In the last part of the Introduction, Butler outlines the texts they will examine and the central themes they will explore in the book. The selected texts, ranging from Plato’s Timaeus to contemporary films and sexual theory, provide a diverse array of perspectives on the construction of gender and sexuality. Butler emphasizes that these texts challenge the established order of gender and sex dynamics in society by questioning the status of sex and its materiality.

In the first part of the book, Butler investigates the relationship between power relations and the formation of bodies. In doing so, they revisit traditional metaphysical positions from the perspective of contemporary critical theory. The first two chapters consider the role of heterosexuality in shaping the understanding of the sexed body. Butler also challenges common symbols and their relations to sexuality, such as the phallus and its physical counterpart, the penis.

In the third chapter and fourth chapters, Butler discusses the political dimension of identification practices, especially how identities relate to heterosexual hegemony. They also discuss how normative sexuality influences the understanding of the racialized body.

Part 2 turns to specific literary works, including Willa Cather’s and Nella Larsen’s fiction. The readings examine how these texts challenge normative gender and sexual expectations. In addition, Butler questions the disconnect between sexuality and gender, particularly in Cather’s fiction, and explores how Larsen’s novella Passing offers a way to rework the symbolic as a racially articulated set of sexual norms.

The final chapters engage with political discourse and theories of performativity, drawing on Slavoj Žižek’s work on Lacanian psychoanalysis. Butler considers the limits of mobilization of gender and racial norms, advancing the idea that excluded identities can be used to subvert the very norms they sustain. Finally, Butler argues that queerness can function as a site for the reconfiguration of the excluded as a political category. Ultimately, Butler aims to contribute to the redefining of social norms and discourse.

Preface-Introduction Analysis

The Preface and Introduction of Bodies That Matter introduce all the themes of discussion that will be explored in the book. Therefore, these parts do not develop the ideas in depth. Rather, Butler gives a broad overview of all the aspects and questions that inform their writing. The Preface and Introduction may seem overwhelming, as the material is quite dense, and Butler writes in their trademark academic style, which uses jargon and references other philosophers and feminist theorists. It is important to remember that at this point, Butler’s aim is not to clarify these ideas but solely to introduce them. Her inclusion of epigraphs from prominent thinkers situates her work within a robust philosophical tradition. These quotes and references also help curate Butler’s audience—this text will be most easily understood by other academics and philosophers, as they are frequently expanding on or contesting others’ theories.

The Preface sets the tone for an exploration of the materiality of the body, challenging the notion of fixing bodies as straightforward objects of thought. According to Butler, bodies resist easy categorization, and this resistance becomes a central topic. The difficulty philosophers face in grappling with corporeal matters, especially in relation to feminist discourse, is historical. Butler refers to ongoing discussions in the history of philosophy regarding the devaluation of bodies and physicality in philosophy. At the same time, thought and discourse, being products of the mind, are highly valued concepts in traditional metaphysics. This is called a “dualistic” or “binary” framework. One of the most famous cases of dualism is René Descartes’s opposition between body and mind. Philosophy often perceives the body as the site of passions, worldly needs, and death, which are disruptive to thought. Therefore, many classical philosophers assign limited importance to bodies in their conceptual systems. Moreover, the body is traditionally linked with nature in general and femininity in particular. In the decades preceding Butler’s writings, during the first and second waves of feminism, thinkers challenged these presumptions and included corporeality—the physical experience of the body—into discursive practices. The notion of sexual difference, as well as Butler’s concept of performativity, continue to develop these practices, aiming to reframe the discourse around bodies and philosophy.

An important term that shapes the argument in the Introduction is Michel Foucault’s idea of the “regulatory ideal.” In the context of Foucault’s work, particularly in his studies on power and discipline, a “regulatory ideal” refers to the normative standards and expectations that govern behavior within a particular societal context. Foucault explores how institutions and discourses produce and enforce these regulatory ideals, shaping individuals’ conduct and identities. This is a central idea for Foucault, whose work participates in the broader poststructuralist project of challenging classical metaphysics, especially dualistic frameworks. Poststructuralists aim to rework hierarchical structures of thought, with particular attention to the Cartesian opposition between mind and body. For Foucault, the body is an interesting object of study because it reflects a long history of shaping and reshaping by different narratives, discourses, and power relations. The body’s surface, for Foucault, reflects the regulatory ideals that have left an imprint on both the idea of the body and actual, physical bodies in the world.

Judith Butler engages with the concept of regulatory ideals in the context of gender Performativity and Identification. In their analysis, gender norms function as regulatory ideals that individuals internalize and strive to embody through repeated performances. Butler argues that these norms are not natural or inherent but socially constructed and sustained through repeated acts. Gender performativity involves individuals attempting to approximate the cultural ideals associated with masculinity or femininity, contributing to the regulation of gendered behaviors and expressions.

In addition, the Introduction introduces the discussion of how power relations, normative constraints, and regulatory practices intersect in the production of sexuality. Butler questions the assumed autonomy of the materiality of the body, asserting that it is shaped through all the normative categories in society. Butler’s overall project is to set the stage for a reevaluation of the materiality of sex and develop a broader understanding of how bodies operate. They also hope, although their concerns may seem abstract, that the book’s ideas will have an impact on real life and improve the lives of those who are excluded from traditional articulations of sex, gender, race, and other such categories. Butler expresses this aim in a later interview:

My work has always been undertaken with the aim to expand and enhance a field of possibilities for bodily life. […] To conceive of bodies differently seems to me part of the conceptual and philosophical struggle that feminism involves, and it can relate to questions of survival as well. The abjection of certain kinds of bodies, their inadmissibility to codes of intelligibility, does make itself known in policy and politics, and to live as such a body in the world is to live in the shadowy regions of ontology. I’m enraged by the ontological claims that codes of legitimacy make on bodies in the world, and I try, when I can, to imagine against that (Costera Meijer, Irene and Baukje Prins. “How Bodies Come to Matter: An Interview with Judith Butler.” Signs, vol. 23, no. 2, 1998, pp. 277).

Therefore, Butler mobilizes a broad range of philosophical, psychoanalytic, social, and cultural terms and materials to question the normative settings that shape bodies in contemporary society. They critically examine the normative conditions under which the materiality of the body is framed and formed, challenging the legitimacy of the hegemonic norms that govern bodies. Their research provides specific frameworks for exploring Queer Subversion as Critical Practice.

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