43 pages • 1 hour read
Nicholas D. Kristof , Sheryl WuDunnA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Chapter 11 begins the second section of the book, which focuses on how to reform organizations that provide aid. It starts with the tale of Dan Pallotta, founder of TeamWorks AIDS, who built up a wildly successful charity focused on fighting AIDS by raising money through bike rides. Pallotta had a fall from grace when he was accused of spending too much money on himself and his staff, as well as on marketing and logistics. This led to the loss of an important sponsor and his charity collapsed.
The story of TeamWorks AIDS raises the question of how best to run a charity and whether different rules should apply to successful charities and businesses. The authors agree that waste should be minimized without sacrificing impact. As they write, “Would it have been better in the 1950s to finance a polio charity that used 99 percent of its funds to push survivors around a park in wheelchairs, or one that swallowed up half its money in salaries for talented scientists and lab equipment and ended up financing Jonas Salk’s invention of the polio vaccine?” (171).
Resources like Charity Navigator allow potential donors to research how an organization spends its money, but this can impel charities to underinvest in anything considered overhead. This can result in a lack of sufficient resources to evaluate the most effective methodology. Marketing is often targeted as wasteful, when in fact it is important to solicit donations and raise public awareness regarding their cause; public advertising campaigns like those fighting drunk driving have been crucial to the success of programs like MADD in the past.
One study noted the great disparity in the number of nonprofits and for-profits reaching the mark of $50 million in revenue since the mid-1970s: only about 200 of the former versus 46,000 of the latter have done so. “There are no charity analogues of Google or Facebook,” the authors conclude (173). This means they never achieve economies of scale that come with a larger size. Increased scrutiny of administrative expenses create additional financial risks necessary to allow nonprofits to grow.
Here the authors examine what motivates people to donate to a cause. They describe the success of the program Operation Smile, which provides access to doctors for poor children around the world who have cleft lips. The procedure is simple and inexpensive in developed countries, but in many developing nations the condition goes untreated, affecting children’s ability to eat and speak as well as their self-esteem.
One part of Operation Smile’s success was president Brian Mullaney, a former advertising executive. He brought an ad man’s sense of marketing to the job, relying on direct mailings and a documentary film that acted as a public ad campaign. He poured over data to be able to identify and contact likely donors; he relied on evidence-based models of success in the private sector. Over time, differences in philosophy led to Mullaney and the organization parting ways, and he now heads his own organization called WonderWork, which acts as an umbrella marketing group for a number of charities. This allows for shared resources and lower overhead, while at the same time creating a unified database that tracks donors that all the organizations can draw upon for appeals. It is Mullaney’s unique approach to fundraising—and its great success—that the authors note here.
Researchers have examined what makes people donate and which kinds of appeals they respond to best. The most effective approach is an emotional appeal that focuses on an individual (rather than the “big picture” full of statistics)—one that tells a story. It also helps to highlight the organization’s tangible, positive efforts in the field, since tales of overwhelming need can give people a sense of futility. This is what worked for Mullaney.
This chapter looks at organizations that blur the lines between nonprofits and for-profits. In the past, the former was strictly about a social cause of some kind, while the latter meant a business designed to make money. Some organizations today are looking to turn a profit to better support a social cause and to become self-sustaining. One example is Greyston Bakery, founded in Yonkers, New York, by Bernard Glassman, who wanted to help homeless people. Glassman hired any homeless person looking for a job—no background checks or references needed. If they did the work well, they stayed; if not, they were let go.
Of course, a business needs to be profitable to stay viable no matter whether their intentions serve social welfare or not. Glassman happened to meet Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream at a conference, and they were interested in his efforts to help the homeless. They invited him to try to become a supplier of baked goods for their ice cream. It was a business proposition, not a charity deal, which meant they had to like what Greyston offered. Glassman worked hard, experimenting with ingredients and methods, until he got what Ben & Jerry’s was looking for. The profits from the company helped Glassman set up a foundation to support his homeless employees with things like childcare and affordable housing. Today, Greyston has $13 million in annual sales and 150 employees, as well as 300 housing units (206).
The authors use this chapter to examine the idea of large corporations engaging in socially responsible business. It’s been long debated whether corporations should even attempt this; conservative economist Milton Freidman was staunchly opposed to it, saying it virtually defrauded shareholders. Some accuse corporations of doing it for good public relations, and the authors acknowledge this is sometimes the case. However, it can be done successfully and with good intentions.
This chapter highlights a partnership between the yogurt company Danone and Muhammad Yunus, the Nobel Prize laureate known for his work with microfinancing in Bangladesh. Danone wanted to help malnourished Bangladeshi children. They agreed to work together, setting up a joint venture in Bangladesh to run the operation and provide jobs. Among the many challenges were that local cows did not produce enough milk, refrigeration in most areas was scarce, the micronutrients added to the yogurt as supplements were bitter, and Bangladeshis did not have a taste for Western-style yogurt. One by one, Danone and Yunus overcame each problem, and though sales were variable at first they eventually evened out. Much of the venture’s success could be attributed to the local women hired to sell the yogurt in their communities, who were able to earn a decent living as well.
Another example is IBM’s program Corporate Service Corps. Just as law firms have often encouraged pro bono work by their attorneys, companies such as IBM give employees time and resources to volunteer. Their program sends professionals around the world as free consultants, thus far reaching 30 different countries. The authors write that “[f]or Yunus, all this is just a starting point. Social businesses, he argues, are much more effective ways to address social issues than aid, and more so than purely for-profit enterprises. Aid creates dependency, he says, while purely for-profit entities don’t address important social issues” (225).
Part 2, entitled “Reforming the Art of Helping,” include four chapters that describe a shifting landscape in how charities are run. In the debate over keeping nonprofit entities just that—separate and distinct from for-profit businesses—the authors believe it is high time for a change. While they acknowledge some concerns, they see positive things from incorporating methods from business into charity organizations. The authors also note that consumer demand helps to make companies like Greyston Bakery possible. They cite an organization that estimates around “one-third of American consumers want to increase purchases from companies that are socially responsible” (208). Now, instead of social responsibility being an afterthought to businesses, many companies are building it into their practices from the start as part of a focused business plan.
Beyond businesses that address social issues, the authors advocate reform in the management of charities. First, they see a need for rigorous evaluation. Too often, charities are inefficiently run without proper oversight for decision-making and allocation of resources. Second, they are in favor of slick marketing campaigns and higher salaries for employees—in short, greater administrative expenses—if they result in greater revenue. In the story of Dan Pallotta and TeamWorks AIDS, they side with Pallotta in believing that overall impact is what matters, not just the absolute amount spent on overhead. They point out that when TeamWorks AIDS collapsed, and other organizations took over the AIDS bike rides, “[n]et returns to AIDS charities dropped more than 70 percent in one year, from $6 million in 2002 to $1.6 million in 2003” (170). The same happened with the walks for breast cancer research that Pallotta had organized: “The net amount raised for breast cancer grant making fell from nearly $71 million under Pallotta in 2002 to $11 million under Avon in 2003” (170). To Kristof and WuDunn, this “belt-tightening” only resulted in less aid for the people who needed it.
Similarly, the authors support hefty investments in marketing to help spread the word about good causes. This stems in part from a personal dilemma Kristof faced in the mid-2000s. He felt that his newspaper columns about the genocide in Darfur were not resonating with the public. At the same time, a hawk in New York City whose nest had been forcibly removed from a building by the building’s owner garnered all kinds of attention and public protests. He wondered how to get people to care about humans in dire situations as much as birds. The key, he feels, is the right kind of publicity. As an example, he points to videos sponsored by the Nike Foundation, called “Girl Effect,” using the company’s world-class advertising firm. Professional and effective, they highlight the importance of educating girls and have gone viral. This helps the public pay attention to the Foundation’s cause and results in greater revenue put towards that cause, but “any aid organization that had tried to invest in such professional work,” the authors write, “would have been denounced for wasting money” (172). Greater transparency in the results these ad campaigns cause might lessen public outcry about the use of nonprofit funds towards marketing.
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